Yeah,I know…I’m spending too much money recently.I wish to control it but i have failed over and over and over again.Well,I guess it isn’t a good reason.Yesterday,I wrote down all my targets on a paper and what the hell…I realized that's horrible.It’s a big challenge for me if I would like to achieve all my targets and goals between these two years.First,i need lots of funds.Second,a good opportunity.Third,good luck then.
I recall that past events in my life and instead i’ve transformed a lot this year.I would say it’s a good begin and growth up in life.I’ll get what I want and work smart to become the person i believe i was meant to be.No guess,I’ll prove it,definitely.So before I head to my challenges journey,let me be carefree and enjoy my life.What a shallow yet damn fun.Well,I’m just afraid it will be insulating in the future (>.<)